Thursday, July 22, 2010

Review: The Lost Hours by Karen White

The Lost Hours 

The Lost Hours by Karen White

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For some reason, this novel seemed to go in a completely different direction than I expected but I really enjoyed the experience of reading it. I liked the way the plot would twist and turn. I enjoyed the unraveling of the central mystery as well. But, in the end, it was the psychological aspects of the novel that seemed to shine for me. The journey through change, grief and personal adversity all felt very real to me and drew me into the story & the characters. I loved the characters - flaws and all. They moved me and made me care about them in a way that actually surprised me, given the specifics of the plot. I was also very moved by the underlying issues of loss and grief which seemed to resonate with me as I read the novel. I was reminded how important it is to tell our stories, spend time with family and learn more about our personal and family histories. In some ways, as I read, I was reminded of my beloved grandmother and how glad I am that I had so much time with her and that I made a point of talking to her and learning her stories. I'm not sure if the actual book made as much of an impression on me as the themes did, in the end. Either way, I really enjoyed it and recommend it.

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