Thursday, December 23, 2010

Review: The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks and the Giants of the Ocean

The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean 

The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks, and Giants of the Ocean by Susan Casey

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Yet another non-fiction surprise! I've been on a non-fiction roll! I really enjoyed this book all about waves and the ocean. When I heard Ann Kingman raving about this one on the Books on the Nightstand podcast, I couldn't resist giving it a read despite my complete and utter lack of interest in the ocean, surfing or waves. She made it sound fantastic! And she was right! It really was a great read overall.

I truly enjoyed the surfing components of the book. The other more commercial and scientific aspects were much less interesting. But, combined together, they offer a really interesting look at the ocean and its mysteries.

Given how much we DO know scientifically, this book really captures the fact that we know very little about the ocean. And it reminded me just how small we humans are in the big picture.

I really enjoyed this journey into all things ocean. I found Casey's writing compelling and interesting. I learned so much about surfing that I didn't know. It's a great read for anyone who enjoys a great non-fiction read!

View all my reviews


  1. Amy, thanks so much for trusting me and giving this book a shot. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  2. Thanks for the review Amy. I am always looking for good nonfiction reads -- this year I have read more nonfiction than ever, and have mostly enjoyed everything I read.

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