The next top ten picks is all about favorite fictional characters ... from literature, television, movies, etc. This was really tough for me but here goes (in no particular order) ...
I'm kind of cheating for my #1 - I'm going to say the Little Women created by Louisa May Alcott. Although I tend to most identify with Jo, I just love each and every one of the sisters and CANNOT pick just one.
I love Jo for her intensity and her commitment to live life on her terms. I love that she speaks her mind and doesn't hesitate to go against the grain. I love Meg for her steadfastness and her solidity of character. I love Amy for her overall spunk and vanity - she's quite a character - good but vain. A contradiction ... as we all are! And, Beth. Sweet, kind, wonderful Beth. What's not to love about bet! Okay, I may have to go back and read Little Women for the thousandth time! I just love these little women!
#2 - Belle from Beauty and the Beast
I love the idea of a Disney princess that defies the typical blond beauty look of a princess. Belle is a brunette. She's SMART - loves to read, is sensible and cares deeply about her family. She is outspoken and is not interested in the frivolous. She is very compassionate and caring.
#3 - Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series
From the moment that I first read Harry Potter, I completely and utterly related to Hermione Granger. Smart and a bit awkward, she reminded me a bit of me. Although she's much smarter than me, I do relate to the overachiever in her! And I love what a STRONG female character she is! She just ROCKS!
#4 - Michael Scott from the Office
Michael is probably one of my absolute favorite characters on television today. He's hilarious, awkward to watch and just generally cracks me up! His social awkwardness is classic comedy in action!
#5 - Sookie Stackhouse
Sookie is yet another strong female character that I just love to read about and watch on the True Blood series. She's outspoken and brave. She's complex and imperfect. And I just love her!
#6 - Claire from The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
I loved this novel. It just spoke to me when I read it. Something resonated with me. A lot of that was connected to Claire. I related to so many aspects of her personality - I thought she was strong and delicate at the same time. I related to her love for Henry and her commitment to their relationship despite its hardships.
#7 - Jack McCall from Beach Music by Pat Conroy
This is one of my all time favorite books. I rarely re-read a book but I've re-read this one several times. Something about the story just speaks to me. One of my favorite characters in this novel is the narrator, Jack McCall who is a brilliantly written character - with MAJOR flaws. He makes the book all the more wonderful to me!
#8 - Delores Price from She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb
I love a good flawed character and Delores is all about the flaws! Her journey in this book really resonated with me and I remember having difficulty leaving her behind after I finished reading the book.
#9 - Lisbeth Salander
Another amazing female character. She's tough, difficult, out of the ordinary and compelling. She never ceases to amaze me as I read Larsson's books. Her character is definitely memorable!
#10 - Brenda Walsh from 90210
I can't believe I'm admitting this but I remember really relating to Brenda Walsh back in the day when I was pretty obsessed with 90210 (the original show, not the new one). She started out as a fairly nice girl but grew into something much more complex over the series. I really related to her journey. It felt very similar to some of the things that I was struggling with at the time.
Okay, that's it for my top ten ... what about you, what are some of your favorite fictional characters? Leave a comment and let me know!